Privacy policy

Carolina Lara, psychologist and sexologist, recognizes the importance of ensuring the protection of personal information collected through her website or by any other technological means. As such, she is responsible for the protection of personal information held or entrusted, if applicable, to a third party.


By "personal information," we mean any information that concerns a physical person and allows, directly or indirectly, to identify them.


This Privacy Policy applies to anyone who visits this website and uses the various services presented or interacts with Carolina Lara through the website or any other technological means.


The policy outlines how Carolina Lara protects your personal information to comply with the applicable laws in Quebec, namely:


  • Professional Code (RLRQ, c. C-26);
  • Code of Ethics for Sexologists (RLRQ, c. C-26, r.;
  • Regulation on Records, Consultation Offices, and Other Offices and the Cessation of Practice of Members of the Quebec Professional Order of Sexologists (RLRQ, c. C-26, r. 222.1.4);
  • Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (RLRQ, c. P-39.1);
  • Code of Ethics for Psychologists (RLRQ, c. C-26, r. 212);
  • Act respecting health services and social services (RLRQ, c. S-4.2);
  • Regulation on Records and Conditions of Practice for Psychologists (RLRQ, c. C-26, r. 219);
  • Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (RLRQ, c. A-2.1).



Personal Information We Collect


During our interactions with you, I collect certain personal information about you. The personal information collected is necessary to offer you the requested services and varies depending on the individuals from whom it is collected:


- From clients: name, address, email, phone number, any information relevant to the service provided (e.g., age, employment, significant relationships, diagnoses, etc.), payment information (e.g., credit card number), etc.

- From website visitors: name, contact information, necessary information to process your request, web browser, IP address, pages visited and queries, connection date and time, etc.



Possibility of Addition, if Applicable


If I collect your personal information using cookies to identify you, locate you, or perform profiling, this collection will be done only with your consent to the activation of these technological tools.

In addition to these cookies, I also use so-called "necessary" or "strictly necessary" cookies for the operation of my website, which cannot be disabled.

See the annex related to cookies.


Purpose of Collection and Means by Which I Collect Personal Information


I collect your personal information to achieve the objectives described below:


  • Ensure the administrative management of files;
  • Communicate with clients and partners, bill services, manage payments, etc.;
  • Respond to a request or provide psychology and sexology services;
  • Produce statistics, studies, and research;
  • Operate, maintain, improve, and offer all features of the website, provide the services and information you request, respond to comments and questions, and provide support to website users;
  • Subject to your consent, understand and analyze usage trends and preferences of my website users;
  • Send you communications.


I collect your personal information through: the website, email, essential cookies, platforms of our external providers, direct communications, etc.




By visiting my website or providing personal information (by email, filling out one of my online forms, by phone, through my social networks, during meetings, etc.), I consider that you consent to the collection, use, and communication of this information for the purposes mentioned above.

You can withdraw your consent to the use and communication of personal information already collected at any time. You can exercise your right by contacting me (contact details below). Withdrawal of your consent may prevent me from providing or continuing to provide certain services.



Use and Communication


In no case do I use or communicate your personal information without your consent. However, exceptions may apply when ordered by a court or when required by law (e.g., child protection, imminent risk of serious injury or death, etc.).



Retention of Personal Information


I retain your personal information only for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. If the collection is in the context of a psychology and sexology service, your data will be retained for 5 years after the last service provided and may then be securely destroyed.


Your personal information is processed and hosted in Quebec or Canada.



Security Measures


I protect your personal information with security measures (physical, technical, or administrative) appropriate to their nature to prevent unauthorized access, use, communication to third parties, or loss or other harm to their protection.


Measures are in place so that only the psychologist and sexologist [and those who need to access your personal information as part of their duties (e.g., staff member)] are authorized to access it. I also ensure that third parties to whom I communicate your personal information take measures to ensure the confidentiality of the information I entrust to them and that they use it only for the purposes agreed upon with them.





As with all websites, visitors to my website consent to cookies being installed on their browser. These may be recorded on your hard drive to allow me to track your use of my site and ensure security at the user authentication level. Information from cookies is therefore used to facilitate the use of my website. You can freely delete cookies from your browser at any time. This site is hosted by OVH, Agence Dubuc Marketing. Visitors can learn about the cookies used by clicking on the consent icon at the bottom left of each page.


Please note that my website may contain links or references to third-party sites. This policy ceases to apply when you leave my website. I am not responsible for the collection or processing of personal information by these third parties or through these external sources.



Access and Rectification of Your Personal Information


It is important that the personal information I hold about you is up to date. Please inform me of any changes to it.

Additionally, you can submit a request:


  • For access to your personal information;
  • For rectification of your personal information;
  • For withdrawal of your consent to the use or communication of your personal information;
  • For portability (starting September 22, 2024).
  • By contacting me (contact details below).


Filing a Complaint


I recognize the importance of protecting your personal information. If you wish to file a complaint about the protection of personal information I hold, you can do so through the contact details below.



Contact Me


You can contact me about this Privacy Policy or to provide comments, exercise your rights, or file a complaint by contacting:





This document has been adapted to reflect my responsibilities and practices regarding the protection of personal information, in accordance with applicable laws in Quebec.



Last updated: 2024-07-08


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