



  • D. in Psychology in progress, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec
    Dissertation: Effects of gender and respondent type on the evaluation of social motivation of young adults with autism
  • Master's degree in public administration - managerial profile, ENAP, Quebec
  • DESS in public administration - profile for managers, ENAP, Quebec
  • Short graduate program in public management, ENAP, Quebec
  • Microprogram in Health Services Administration, UDM, Quebec
  • Master's degree in Sexology, concentration counseling, UQÀM, Quebec
    Dissertation: The quality of sexual life among people with an intellectual disability
  • Diploma in Psychology,  Universidad Católica de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
    Dissertation: Sexuality in homeless adolescents: a descriptive study





- XII Congress of the International Association for Scientific Research on Mental Disability, Canada                            

Speaker: "Youth residence program and results of its evaluation


- XXX Congress of the Quebec Association for Social Integration, Canada                   

Speaker: "The reality of multiculturalism in habilitation and rehabilitation services


- Annual conference of the Service Québécois d'Expertise en Troubles Graves du Comportement, Canada                     

Speaker: "Multicultural issues in the provision of habilitation/rehabilitation services

"Intervention model for youth with mild intellectual disabilities and conduct disorder


- XI European Conference, Portugal

International society for the prevention of child abuse and neglect

Member of the Amamanta Family booth                                                                                                                                               

- Psychology Gathering, Colombia                                                                             

Sociedad Colombiana de sexología and Universidad, Universidad autónoma de Bucaramanga, Universidad pontificia Bolivariana and Asociación colombiana para el avance de las ciencias del comportamiento

Coordinator of the logistic group


- III Iberoamerican Congress of Psychology, Colombia

Asociación colombiana para el avance de las ciencias del comportamiento and Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de España,


- First Gathering of Psychology Students, Colombia                                           

Universidad Católica de Colombia


- National Symposium on Addictions and Violence, Colombia

Universidad Católica de Colombia     





- Regional Program for Middle Management Succession in Montérégie - Scholarship to attend the Graduate Microprogram in Health

Services Administration Agence de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie and CRDITED-ME


- Tuition exemption scholarship for foreign students

University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal


- Scholarship to provide funds to participate in a scientific meeting

Faculty of Human Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal


- Honorary degree in psychology

Universidad Católica de Colombia


- Scholarship to participate in the Seminar on Integrity and Social Excellence

Universidad Católica de Colombia

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You can always contact me by email with your questions.

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